Christchurch Airport

Home Christchurch Airport

Location details

  • Add: 264 Russley Road, Avonhead, Christchurch, 8042
  • Direct line: +64 3 974 3818
  • Mobile: 0277 22 0028
  • Ph: 0800 1795 1795
  • Email:
  • Web:

Office Hours

  • Monday to Friday: 9:00am – Up until 5:00pm latest
  • Saturday– Sunday: 9:00am – Up until 5:00pm latest
  • Public Holidays:We are only closed on Christmas day.
  • * 24/7 after hours pick up & drop off services are available (check below)

Pick up Information

Our Christchurch Airport branch is located just minutes away from the terminal.

This service operates daily, on a ‘phone for pick up’ basis.

Arrival into Christchurch Airport. After you have collected your luggage. Please pick up the Airpark Canterbury freephone by Door 9 and Dial M2(Parking Island)OR Call directly on +64 3 358 0183 to notify that you are ready.

Drop off Information

At the expiry of your rental agreement please return your vehicle back to our office during office hours to 264 Russley Road, Avonhead, Christchurch, 8042We will have one of our drivers take you on to the airport.

If you are returning outside of office hours, you must return your car to Airpark Canterbury, 264 Russley Road, Avonhead, Christchurch, 8042. They will then send you to the airport in one of their shuttles which run on demand through the night.

**Do not leave your vehicle at the airport 

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